Tuesday, May 8, 2007

this is not a post! haha. (i bet you think this song is about you...)

i just realized that i don't always work off recipes. i kind of work on stuff till it looks about right.

that being said, i wanted to say something on the blog. so in the great tradition of dan mouw:


i'll try to post something soon. like pie (laura...) tee hee.


Laura W said...

Gloat gloat gloat. Anyway, I already I have your pie crust recipe. And just because you don't really work off traditional recipes doesn't mean you can't post something. Even if you don't have exact measurements, you can still describe what you do (e.g., "add water until it looks sufficiently goopy and turns purple").

Debbie Sue said...

I'm curious now. What food turns purple and goopy?